Aristotle On The Happy Life | WEA Sydney

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Aristotle’s Nikomachaen Ethics is a book on how to prosper in life. Bearing in mind that all of us live in communities and states, we cannot prosper alone. What I do affects others; and what others do affects me. Accordingly ethics is an issue for everyone. But although Artistotle’s work is a philosophical treatise, it is written in an easy style for every intelligent reader to understand; and it is designed to be of practical use. On account of its success with these purposes, it has become one of the most influential books in history. All liberal constitutions of the modern world take their initial guidance from Aristotle; and most of us act every day in some way that reflects what Aristotle taught us. Selected readings guide us, with commentary and discussion points, as we examine major topics that relate to “the Happy Life”, including justice; personal and social development; striving for excellence; love, friendship, wisdom; and finding the way to a prosperous life.

This is a Discussion Group course, if you aren’t already part of a group please see ‘Getting Started’ below.


Course Author: Caterina Pangallo

Course Code: D210

Supplied Material: Course Booklet

Units & Pricing: 6 units / $78 per person



Start your Group: Anyone can start a Discussion Group – seek out some like-minded friends or put up a notice in your local library, bookshop or workplace. Please note a minimum of 6 people is required to start a new discussion group.

Arrange the Meetings: New groups need to decide where and when to meet, and for how long – whatever best suits members' particular situations.

Run your Group: Choose a secretary to liaise with WEA and your tutor, a Discussion Leader to chair meetings, a reporter to take discussion notes to send to your tutor, and maybe a librarian to look after the books.

Start the Course: Contact WEA Sydney to enrol. Bookings can be made for one year, divided into two terms – Term 1 commences in February, Term 2 in July (Groups may make forward bookings for popular choices). Please indicate in what order your Group wishes to study the courses, if more than one course is booked.